Do you want to see Big E go to prom... WEARING HIS GEAR? Then spread the RTs around! Photo Credit: |
I was meaning to ask you this @WWEBigE😳😁 here it goes #ItsInTheBag👀
— Andre'a (@andrizzzleee) April 26, 2015
Yes, she asked Big E to the prom, and honestly, she could not have asked for a better prospective celebrity date. Not only is Ol' Epsilon famous, handsome, and has pecs big enough to act as a fine headrest during slow songs, he's got a quirky sense of humor and enjoys a fine kielbasa. In other words, he's the perfect date. Of course, he is a busy man, being co-holder of the WWE Tag Team Championships and all, but he is not one to turn down an invitation to a party. So he gave these conditions:If your tweet gets 30,000 RTs and I get to wear a singlet. #ItsInTheBag
— Epsilon (@WWEBigE) April 26, 2015
30,000 retweets may sound like a daunting number, but when one realizes that Big E has ten times as many followers as his criterion, and that noted fans and wrestlers alike are getting in on the cause, well, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to get the number up in enough time for Miss Andre'a to get what she wants, nay, DESERVES. As of right now, the number is already near 10,000, which is about a third of the way there. ARE YOU A BAD ENOUGH DUDE TO HELP ANDRE'A GET BIG E TO GO TO PROM WITH HER WHILE WEARING A SINGLET? Do it! Retweet the shit out of this and let a small town girl living in a lonely world* get the magic prom date of her dreams.*- I have no idea where Andre'a lives, so that may or may not be true.