1. Do you miss the WWE Draft?
2. Buy or Sell: The Draft RAWs were the best because they were the most packed with wrestling.
3. Do you play fantasy wrestling (not the e-fed game, but the fantasy football styled rotisserie game), and if not, would you?
4. What player from this year's NFL Draft do you think would make the best professional wrestler?
5. If all wrestlers were free agents, and you had the first overall pick in a hypothetical dispersal draft, whom would you select?
1. Do you miss the WWE Draft?
2. Buy or Sell: The Draft RAWs were the best because they were the most packed with wrestling.
3. Do you play fantasy wrestling (not the e-fed game, but the fantasy football styled rotisserie game), and if not, would you?
4. What player from this year's NFL Draft do you think would make the best professional wrestler?
5. If all wrestlers were free agents, and you had the first overall pick in a hypothetical dispersal draft, whom would you select?