HOO DOGGIE Graphics via @SCITournament |
the Good Ol Boys enter the ring to the Rednex's "Cotton Eyed Joe," and when they fire up for a comeback the fans chant Waffle House. Cletus is the big one, Shaggy is the small one. There announced weight is calculated in farm animals.I don't know about you, but that sounds like a goddamn fun team, even if it's a bit on the stereotypical side for Southern lads. Still, I'm fired up to see them. Add in Torque, who's one of the most exciting high flyers you've probably never heard of, and this team has potential to open some eyes. Southern Motors join the Carnies, consisting of Nick Iggy, Kerry Awful, and Tripp Cassidy, and the Viking War Party in the actual tournament this year. Cyrus the Destroyer takes on Gunner Miller in a feature exhibition match as well.
Speaking of all things Scenic City, the first night of the flagship Scenic City Invitational Tournament is up for you to peruse at Powerbomb TV. Now, you can't buy the show a la carte from there, but subscribing to the service not only gets you the SCI night one now and night two when it drops in the near future, but man, you get a whole shitpile of promotions to view on top of it, like International Revolution Wrestling Group, Mexico's second most prominent indie lucha promotion right now after The Crash, C*4 Wrestling, Anarchy Wrestling (Georgia, not Texas), Olde Wrestling, and coming soon, live streams of Beyond Wrestling and full service for NOVA Pro Wrestling, the Beltway's hottest indie promotion around. If you're going to sign up for a new wrestling service, I'd strongly suggest you do this one if you want some variety in your lives.